
I am a former women’s clothing store owner turned full-time rider and writer. Follow along as I share everything I love about horses, style and beauty. I am also an obsessed Royal Watcher and Denver Broncos Fan.

Photo Ready

If you have never had a professional photographer take pictures of you and your horse, I highly recommend it. It is so worth it to have a professional capture that particular horse and moment in time, preserving it with beautiful images that will always make you look back and smile. My mom was big on this when I was younger and showing horses. She would fly out the famous horse photographer Gail Bates from California to capture our current show horses and her new crop of foals. The photo days were long but so fun and we still have stacks and stacks of beautiful images.

So to this day I still like to have a professional come out and take a few snaps of me, my horses, my dogs and occasionally my handsome husband.

I was so lucky recently to work with the amazing Rachel Griffin Photography. We both wanted to do something that was more fine art/high fashion photography. With her skill, Dreamer’s good looks and the setting sunlight we were able to capture some great images.

Here are some of my tips to hep your horse photo session go well:

  1. There is so much out there telling you what to or what not to wear in pictures. Some say keep it neutral colors in timeless silhouettes others say wear bright colors and patterns. But there is no right answer. Wear what you are most comfortable in and feels like you. Don’t be afraid to avoid super trendy looks and styles because those pictures are the most fun to look back on and laugh and lament what the fashion was at the time.

  2. Do wear something that is flattering. Avoid super bulky or free flowing items, you want to give your self some definition. A good rule of thumb is if you are wearing a looser top pair it with a fitted/skinny bottom and if you are wearing a loose skirt or dress wear a fitted top or pair the loose dress with a fitted jacket.

  3. As far as colors go, pick colors that look good on you (colors that make your skin glow and eyes pop) and colors that look good with your horse. Solid black can look sharp but only if your horse is lighter in color. Don’t be afraid of bold colors, they can look really good in pictures.

  4. Add in fun accessories like belts, scarves, hats and jewelry. Just remember tiny, dainty jewelry doesn’t really show up in pictures. Stick to one statement piece, big fun earrings or a cool necklace but not both together.

  5. Cool textures like lace, suede, pin-tuck stitching, velvet and tooling show up well on film.

  6. Once you get your outfit picked out take a picture of yourself wearing it to see how it photographs. Then make sure it is well-fitted and wrinkle free. Dust off and polish your shoes/boots.

  7. As far as makeup goes remember you need to wear more than your normal amount. Photography can wash out your face making you look like you are not wearing any makeup. If you want your eyes and lips to stand out, go a tad darker with colors and don’t forget to add some blush to your cheeks. Keep a little pressed powder on hand for touch ups.

  8. Let's not forget about your horse! Give them a bath prior to your pictures to make sure they are clean and shiny. Polish and clean what ever tack you are going to use.

  9. Day of pictures make sure your horse get some exercise so they aren’t hyper and try not to schedule pics at feeding time.

  10. Give them a good brushing and spray with World Champion Pepi Coat Conditioner to make their coat and mane/tail shine. Wipe their nose and eyes with a damp cloth. Don’t forget a little fly spray to keep them from being distracted.

  11. Taking pics with horses can be difficult if they don’t want to behave or stand still but try and just stay relaxed and calm so your horse will too. It also helps to have a photographer that has experience with horses.

  12. Remember to have fun, smile and laugh and show off your personality and bond with your horses.

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